Soil Lab - Projects

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Movies - AM and EM Root Growth

Sponsored by AMARSS 

1. EM_Tubercles.avi: Growth of Ectomycorrhza tubercles are seen top left corner. 
2. Root_1.aviRoot_2.aviRoot_3.aviRoot_4.avi: Growth of dichotomously branched Eectomycorrhiza roots. 
3. (NEW!) Mycorrhizal Movie With Music: Opens in Quicktime or Right-Click to save to computer.


Mycorrhizal Figures (Jan.2010)

Figures (PDF)

Automated-Minirhizotron and Arrayed Rhizosphere-Soil Sensors

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 

Project Proposal (PDF)

Carbon Dynamics of Mexican tropical forest ecosystems: beyond a project to a program

Sponsored by UCMEXUS 

Biocomplexity: Common Mycorrhizal Networks...Active or Passive Channels?

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 

Project Summary (PDF)  -  Progress Report (PDF)

CENS: Center for Embedded Network Sensing

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 

CENS (Website)


Sevillete LTER III: Long Term Ecological Research in a Biome Transition Zone

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 

Abstract (PDF)

Restoring Seasonal Tropic Forests in Mexico: Using Designer Communities to Direct Succession

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

Abstract (PDF)

Biocomplexity--Incubation Activity: Designing a Sustainable Southern California-Exploring Interdisciplinary Studies of Complexity in Natural and Human Systems

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 

Abstract (PDF)  -  Progress Report (PDF)

Water Dynamics and Management During the Establishment of Tree Species in Agroforestry Systems of the Yucatan Dry Tropic

Sponsored by UCMEXUS 

Abstract (PDF)

WILMA DATA Impact of Hurricane Wilma, a Large "Infrequent" Enrichment Disturbance on Tropical Seasonal Forest: Establishing the Legacy effect on the Post-disturbance Mosaic

Sponsored by 2006 National Science Foundation SGER funding

All movie clips are the sole property of the Center for Conservation Biology, UC Riverside. All use and/or publication rights are reserved worldwide. All movie clips are expressly not in the Public Domain. No movie clips or other content on this website may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the prior written authorization of an authorized representative of the Center for Conservation Biology, UC Riverside.
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