

Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units (CESU) for research funding


  • Introduction

    The Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units (CESU) are research agreements between participating federal agencies overseeing natural resources in USDI (e.g., BLM, FWS, NPS, DOD…) and in USDA (USFS), and public and private organizations that receive research grants. When you submit your research proposal through a CESU agreement you can take advantage of the reduced negotiated 17.5% indirect rate (for most agencies; ) and CESU also distributes information about research and education opportunities.

     UCR is a signatory to two CESUs,

     Desert Southwest Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit
    for research in desert ecosystems, and

     Californian Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit
    for research in Californian ecosystems (all except deserts)

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