Facility for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (FIRMS)
Location: 2424 Geology
The Facility for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (FIRMS) at UC Riverside began operation in January 2009 and offers a full suite of analytical capabilities for researchers in the fields of ecology and environmental sciences. The facility is built around the Delta-V Advantage, isotope ratio mass spectrometer operating in continuous-flow mode. Attached to the Delta-V, are four inlet systems:
- Costech elemental analyzer for C and N isotope measurements of solid materials (plants, soils, sediments etc.)
- Pyrolysis elemental analyzer for O and H isotope measurements of solid materials (plants, feathers etc.) and water
- Gasbench and GC-PAL for headspace gas sampling (water isotopes, dual isotope analysis of NO3, ambient CO2 isotope measurements etc.)
- Total inorganic / total organic carbon analyzer for liquid samples (C isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon and dissolved organic carbon)
In addition to the FIRMS and inlets, the facility has a full range of sample preparatory equipment, including microbalances, freeze dryer, ball-mill, refrigerated centrifuge, and ultra-cold freezer. Samples can be submitted to the facility for analysis on a campus-recharge basis. Please see the attached price list for details.
Additional Resources
FIRMS Sample Preparation Instructions
FIRMS Price Structure
FIRMS Submission Form
For more information please contact
Dr. Pete Homyak
Ecosystem & Soil Microbial